
Albuquerque Aquairum

While in ABQ over Christmas we all went to the aquarium (well except Cameron, he had to work).  It was nice to get out.  The kids loved it.  The aquarium is kinda small but that doesn't seem to bother the kids.  The still love looking at all the different water animals.  

At first I thought this bird was fake.  But no its real!  

There is a tank full of rays.  I heard someone say that this tank had only males and the ones in the shark tank were only females.   If that is the case the boys are a lot smaller than the girls.

The shark tank was pretty cool.  We were waiting for feeding time but ended up not staying.  While we waited the touch area opened up.  It was interesting to see that Paige was way more brave and daring than Jack.

The rays in the shark tank were so big.

Here is one swimming next to Jack.  You can really see how big they are.

Christmas Countdown

This year for our advent calendar we did books!  We don't own 24 Christmas books so we hit up the library and borrowed enough to fill in our large gaps.  Each day the kids opened up a book.  I tried to do an activity each day that went with the story.  Some days were more successful than others.  

 Gotta love the ghettoness of the post it notes to indicate what day! 

 One day we read Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.  So we made little goodie bags for the kids to give to their friends.  I saw this on pinterest.  There were 8 malt balls and one red m&m.  I used the kids thumb prints to make the reindeer heads.  They thought this was so cool.  It was fun to see them get excited to hand these out to their friends who came by the house throughout December.  

 I loved using their thumb prints and I wanted to have one for myself.  So I framed it and I also employed Ginger in the cause too!  The kids were already making plans to do this one again next year.  They really loved opening a new Christmas themed book each day.  I think this one is a keeper!

Random Meditating

One day in December I look over and see Paige like this:

She told me she was meditating!  Not sure where or how she learned what meditating is.  She cracks me up sometimes.  Silly girl.


A visist to Santa

This year the kids were SUPER excited to see Santa!  Oh my goodness they were over the moon to see the jolly fellow.  We had no screams or nervousness when it was their turn to sit on his lap.  It was so sweet to watch their eyes light up when they saw him.  I loved seeing the magic of the season in their sweet faces. 

Jack went first.  He asked Santa for a vampire costume and a tablet.  My mouth dropped when I heard the vampire costume.  Hopefully he is not too disappointed when he doesn't get a vampire costume.

Paige went next.  She also surprised us by asking for a fashion show!?  Not really sure what that is.  Good thing she is three and easily distracted.  

I love that at the Cache Valley Mall you can take your own pictures.  What a fantastic service to offer!  So we snapped a few with all three.  Ginger is such a happy baby.

Ginger 4 months

On December 1st Ginger was 4 months old.  I took her in for her 4 month well baby checkup.  She weighed in at 12 pounds 4.5 ounces.  Ginger is in the 50% for weight.  They got her height but I think they got it wrong because it said that she was in the 80%.  I am pretty sure that I don't make tall babies.  lol. 

The doctor did mention that she has amazing social skills for her age.  And I agree.  Ginger has a way of grabbing your attention and then making eye contact and then giving you the biggest brightest smiles.  Sometimes she will continue the interaction by babbling a bit to you.  She will do this with just about anyone paying attention to the sweet little baby.  

Ginger started rolling over shortly after we got home from Thanksgiving.  She definitely wants to move and run around with Jack and Paige.  I on the other hand would be happy if I could continue to find her in the same spot that I left her in.  But I am afraid those days are gone.   Over the holidays she got the nick name Pickallo Pete.  Why you ask?  Because when she makes her happy squeals it sounds like a Pickallo Pete firework going off.  She is often very happy and holds up to the Wells family standard of being noisy.  We don't make quiet kids.  (sigh)

I love Ginger's expression in this picture.  Sometimes Paige can get a little too close for Ginger's liking.