

This past weekend Meghan and Stephen had their wedding reception/open house in Utah. It was held at Stephen's parents house. It was very nice. It was nice to just relax and enjoy it. The best part was that my seminary teacher and her husband came. It has been years since I have seen them. It is such a small world because it turns out they live down the street and around the corner from Stephen's parents! After the open house we went to my Aunt Peggy's house and chilled with our family that lives in Utah. The kids fell asleep on the way home and we made a quick stop to see my friend Amber (and drop off a baby gift) who is pregnant with twin boys who should arrive any day! Overall it was a nice day. Congratulations again to Meghan and Stephen.


Driving, Driving, Wedding, Driving, Reception, Driving and wait more Driving!

This past Valentine/President's Day weekend my little sister got married!!! We drove out to California for the event. Here is a break down of our quick trip.

Day 1 --- We left Wednesday night after I got off of work and drove to Elko, NV. This time we drove this route we actually stayed some place really nice. (Thanks Dad for getting us a room) Last time we headed on the I-80 we stayed in a dump! We got in about 10 or 11 (depending on which time zone you want to go by) Even though it was late the kids had slept the whole way there and were of course wired because we were in a new place. Since the pool was open 24 hours we took them to the pool to get some wiggles out. I so wish that my video camera was not broken. Paige is our little fish. It was very instinctual for her to be in the water. She started kicking and moving her arms. She was very happy in the water. We had a good nights rest. Total hours in the car: 5

Unwinding before bed at my brother's house.
My dad's version of babysitting! I think that Jack is the one that provided the pillow!

Day 2 --- Before leaving the hotel we went to the pool again. They loved being in the water... especially Paige. After everyone was ready we shoved off for the 8 hour drive to my brother, Matt's house. As we were leaving Elko my mom called to see if we were on the road and check in. After hanging up with me she called Meghan and Stephen to see how they were doing and it turned out they were in Elko getting gas! So we soon caught up to them and Stephen's parents. We all met in Reno for lunch at my favorite fast food place in the whole world, In-n-Out. We got to Matt's house in time for Aaron and Matt to go play some in door soccer. Aaron came back with his toe bleeding and it looks even worse today. I can't think about it, it makes me want to gag. I hate feet and the thought of them. Total hours in the car: 8

When Aaron and I got married it was pouring and so we never go the classic shot with the Temple in the back ground. Since we got married at the Oakland temple and we were there my mom took some pictures of us in front of the temple.

Uh...So now what?

Meghan and Stephen with Stephen's family minus two sisters.

My tired little bambino!

My cute little family being so good and patient. Aaron looked smokin' hot in his new suit!

Matt and his cute little family. Abbey and Paige had matching dresses. They looked so cute.

What'cha looking at?

Day 3 --- We woke up at 5am so that we could get showered and dressed and out the door by 7am. We had to be at the temple between 9 and 9:30am. There was so much wedding reception stuff that we carried most of it in our van. As a result we, or should I say Aaron, had to re-pack the van. In fact he ended up repacking the van three times in order to fit everything that seemed to keep piling up. Oh and did I mention that while Aaron was packing the van it was pouring?! He won the MVP for the day. We left Matt and Katie's house at 7:30am (my parents, Meghan and her friend Heather left at 7am) and did not hit any traffic on our way to Oakland. We enjoyed the temple sealing and then went outside for pictures. They were very lucky because the sky cleared and it was beautiful. Because the rain had cleared the air, you could see San Francisco across the bay. It was gorgeous. Stephen's parents treated everyone to lunch afterwards. The place had really yummy food but parking was a nightmare. Once we were done eating we headed to the Central Coast. It was raining on and off during the drive and the riots in the back seat started. The kids were doing really great until Paige was feeling a little constipated and started crying which woke up Jack, which made him grumpy. Poor Paige gets a little blocked up when we travel. Note to self remember to pack pear juice in the diaper bag for long trips. We finally made it to the Central Coast and made a stop in Atascadero before heading to Morro Bay. We had a nice dinner with almost everyone in Aaron's family. The only one missing was Charlie who was working. Jessica is pregnant and due in a few weeks, so it was nice to see her. The kids were just happy to be out of the car. After dinner we drove the rest of the way to Morro Bay and to the house my parents had rented for the weekend. Total hours in the car: about 7
The view from the house we stayed at. If you can look past all of the power lines you can see the wonderful ocean.

Day 4 --- We woke up and we could just take our time and relax. The reception wasn't until noon so we had some time to breath. Paige got in a good morning nap, not in her car seat and Jack got to play and be the center of attention. I went downstairs to iron our wedding clothes and my brother came down too. There was a CD player down there and someone had left a CD in it and so we were goofing off and dancing to the lame CD when Matt starts rumaging through the cupboards and finds a few packs of adult diapers. A light went off inside his head. Next thing I know he is in the other room putting a pair on. I run upstairs to grab my camera and tell Aaron and Katie to come downstairs quick. We get down and Matt is only wearing the adult diaper. I thought he would put it on over his shorts, but no. I run back upstairs to tell my mom and dad. My dad had left for a little bit and my mom had just gotten out the shower, but she came to look with a towel wrapped around her. I was laughing so hard. I have allergies and asthma as a result of the allergies. There was something in the house that I was allergic to and laughing as hard as I did and running up and down the stairs a few times caused me to have a tiny asthma attack. It was that funny. I took some good pictures but I am not going to post them here because I don't think that Matt would appreciate it. Because of Matt's little whatever we were all rushing again to get out of the house. Oh man it was funny though. I left with my parents to help get the rest of the stuff set up for the reception. I did the cake table and some of Meghan's friends came and did the center pieces. We were still setting up when people started to arrive. I blame Matt! ;) The reception was lots of fun. I got to see a bunch of people who I haven't seen in a long time. It was good to catch up. My favorite teacher from high school came. It was so good to see Ms. Mckenzie. My cousin and her family came. She has three kids and I have only met one of them. It was fun to finally see them in person. (I blog stalk her) She has a daughter about Jack's age and they had so much fun together. Her name is Katie and so Jack started calling her little Katie since my sister-in-law's name is also Katie. After the reception we chatted with our extended family that came and then headed back to the house. I really wanted to take Paige's 11 month pictures on the beach while we were there so after she took a little nap Aaron and I ran to the beach super fast and snapped a few shots. She mostly cried, but the scenary was gorgeous. The sun was setting and I was happy. Being there in the Central Coast just made me feel at home. (sigh) If only I could live there. Anyway after we were done torturing Paige and wishing we could live there we went back to the house and had a yummy yummy dinner. Most of you may know mine and Aaron's obsession with tri-tip well it comes from my dad. He prepares and cooks it the best. Since they have moved to New Mexico he has not been able to find the right marinade and as a result his tri-tip has been a little off. So while he was in California he stocked up on it. It was so yummy. Then Meghan and Stephen opened up their gifts. They scored! Total hours in the car: 20 minutes, at the most.

The cake table. Meghan requested having my mom's chocholate chip cheesecake.

Meghan's bouquet.... She did all of the flowers herself. I think they turned out great.

Jack and "Little" Katie playing during the recpetion.


Paige snagged one of the jelly beans that were on the tables.

Meghan and Stephen let me play with their rings for a little bit. I like the one with the pink and purple flowers but everyone else seems to like the one with the tulip the most. Either way I like how they both turned out.

Awesome Sunset

Morro Rock at sunset

Pretty Paige

One where she is not crying!

She wouldn't keep the bow in her hair.

So pretty!

Day 5 --- We had an awful night sleep, Paige does not do well after a few nights of not being her own bed and as a result she didn't sleep plus she finally stopped being blocked up. We woke up and got the car packed with no excitement and headed out for a long, long, long day of driving. We were able to drive with my parents all the way until Barstow, where we stopped at In-n-out for lunch. After lunch we parted ways and headed north on the I-15. As were approaching Las Vegas we were pooped, tired and worn out so we started calling hotels in Cedar City. We were just not sure how we would make it all the way to Logan if we didn't stop for the night. We found a nice place and some how mustered up enough energy to make it a few more hours. Meanwhile the riots started again and this time it was because Paige had a wet diaper. The kids did really really good with all of the driving and the only time we had riots it was because something like a dirty diaper or hunger was bothering them. Overall they were real troopers. We made it to Cedar City and took them swimming before going to bed. I slept so good that night! I think we all did. There were no noises or peeps until about 7:30am. Total hours in the car: 10

Both kids fast asleep in the car... for now.

We also stopped at the In-n-out in St. George. I had to get my fix.

Day 6 --- The only reason that I know to put day 6 is because I put the other days above. I had toally lost track of days and time and dates and everything else. I was exhausted. We took our time getting going and we were on the road by 11am. The kids slept all the way until Brigham City and when they woke up they were happy. I was worried because I thought they would throw fits for still being in the car. Luckily we missed all storms driving home. As I write this post it looks like a blizzard outside. So thank you weather for holding out a day before you decided to dump a bunch of snow. We got home in time for dinner and just relaxed until bedtime. It is great to be home and out of the car but I miss Cali and the Central Coast.
Total hours in the car: 5

Jack getting "cozy" at the hotel before we left.

He really liked lying on the bed and watching TV.

Paige has gotten really good at pulling herself up onto all sorts of furniture.

If case you haven't been keeping track of all of the hours we spent in the car... the grand total is about 35 and a half hours! Whew that is a lot of driving! All worth it. But it isn't over yet. There is an open house in Utah this coming weekend at Stephen's parent's house. Fortunately that drive is about 2 hours. At least we didn't have to do as much driving as my parents who the weekend before the wedding drove to Utah to be there when Meghan went through the Temple for the first time and they will be driving to Utah this weekend for the open house. What can I say except that Meghan and Stephen are loved!

Experience Tag

In my blog stalking ways I saw this a few of my friends blogs and thought that I would also post it here. I hope you enjoy!

PS... My video camera broke so I won't have the video from Aaron's birthday for awhile... need to get it fixed.

I’ve bolded all of the things that I have done. I’d love to read your list if you want to post it on your blog too.

1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Been to Canada
11. Bungee jumped
12. Worked at an Amusement Park
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon (1/2 gonna do a full this year)
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant (Aaron usually is the one to do this)
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a law suit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
100. Seen Mount Rushmore in person
101. Learned to play an instrument


Happy 31st Birthday Aaron

Yesterday Aaron turned 31! I decided that I would celebrate the occasion with a surprise 70's birthday party. If you know Aaron, you probably know that he is not easily fooled. He soon caught on that something was up. Needless to say he was not surprised. He was a good sport though and didn't give me the 3rd degree, but the guys at work were not so lucky.

Continuing with the 70's theme we played Twister and Pictionary (not sure when Pictionary was made but it seemed old enough to work for our purpose). Aaron and Jeff had some pretty tight pants, and I don't mean tight as in cool (though they were cool), I mean tight as in hard to breath! It was so funny watching them try and play twister.

Here are some pictures of Twister:
These three were the last ones left... maybe because they didn't have tight pants or maybe because Anna was doing yoga the night before!

I am sure this is the view of Aaron, that Rob has always wanted!

Tight pant boys!

Not everyone dressed in their best 70's attire, but here are the pictures of those who did dress up.

Me with Aaron (the birthday boy!)

Jeff and Amy
(some pictures on this post are from Amy...Thanks!)

Rob and Kirsten
(I think we have some nice video footage of Rob playing twister!)

Thanks to everyone who came and celebrated with us. Aaron and I had so much fun... even though Aaron was not completely surprised. We need to all get together again and just play some games, then maybe some of our other friends will be able to make it. Thank you to Julie and Mindy who helped me prepare some of the food and they were not even able to come! Hopefully next time!

PS I will work on getting the video that we took of twister and get it posted.


A Furlough

Furlough: transitive verb, 2furlough
1 : to grant a furlough to 2 : to lay off from work

It was announced the other day that all USU employees will be required to take a leave without pay for five days during USU's spring break.

I feel that it is WAY better than losing your job however it doesn't help with the tension I have been feeling. My shoulders are constantly hurting. I am not so stressed out that Aaron will lose his job because neither of us are above working at McDonald's or Wal-mart or whereever if we needed to. I am feeling stressed from not knowing what is going to happen. I wish they would just tell us. I can handle the known it is the unknown that is causing my upper back and shoulders to constantly throb. Hopefully more information will be given once the Utah State legislature makes some decisions, then the decision making can trickle down. So maybe next week or the week after we will hear how the budget cuts will affect us.

Here is the whole story if you are interested:

Mandatory Furlough Required of All Utah State University Employees

A mandatory furlough was announced today by Utah State University President Stan L. Albrecht for all full- and part-time university employees in an effort to stave off immediate widespread layoffs as a result of a second round of budget cuts.

Each USU employee will be required to take leave without pay for five work days during spring break, March 9-13. During that week, the university will be closed. This decision was made based on action taken late Friday by the Legislative Executive Appropriations Committee that requires an additional budget reduction for USU of approximately $5.65 million.
“With just five months left in the fiscal year, and because most of our funds for fiscal year 2009 are already committed to salaries and programmatic support, it is essential that we move quickly now that we know the magnitude of the additional holdback,” Albrecht said.
The president underscored that these additional cuts to be taken this year are on top of the 4 percent budget reduction (both one-time and ongoing) that the university has already taken as a result of actions approved last September during a special legislative session.
This furlough does not address the ongoing cuts or any new cuts that will be imposed for fiscal year 2010. Albrecht said the university will not know the magnitude of those reductions until later in the legislative session, and certainly not before the release of the fourth quarter revenue numbers that will occur the second week of February.
Although imposing a mandatory furlough was a difficult decision to reach, Albrecht said the alternative of permanently laying off employees was even more untenable.
“We have tried to be particularly sensitive to the loss of jobs, which would be so devastating to individuals and their families,” Albrecht said. “I should note that as we have visited with groups of faculty and staff, a common message has been that, to the extent possible, our employees would prefer to find some way to share the pain of the reduction, rather than see large numbers of their colleagues lose their jobs.”
Albrecht emphasized that the university remains committed to minimizing the impacts on enrolled students who need to finish the current semester’s classes or complete their requirements for graduating on time.
He said the university will impose a mandatory five-day furlough across all employee groups. This action will generate approximately 60 percent of the amount required for the reduction. The remaining amount will be distributed across campus units.
“By addressing as much of this as is possible from central sources, we anticipate that the impact on other units will be modest – approximately 0.65 percent,” he said. “While any additional cuts are difficult, we believe these actions will allow us to meet the FY 2009 reduction without significant damage to our core programs and functions or to our students.”
Albrecht said the financial impact on employees of the five furloughed days will be spread across five monthly pay periods - March, April, May, June and July, 2009. Therefore, paychecks of all employees will be reduced by the equivalent of one day’s salary for each month over the next five months, beginning with the March paycheck. The amount will be prorated for part-time employees.
USU employs 2,995: 921 full-time faculty, 36 part-time faculty, 1,779 full-time support staff and 259 part-time staff.
In October, Albrecht announced the appointment of a six-member Budget Reduction Committee charged with developing a plan for absorbing reductions imposed by the state legislature in September. Their recommendation of one-time cuts of $6,954,909 was imposed prior to the end of December. The reduction impacted all units of the university.
In addition to the furlough, the president is asking university administrators to develop a plan for further cuts in their units. These plans will be reviewed by the existing six-member Budget Reduction Committee.
Albrecht said that despite the furlough and the budget relief that it will bring to diminishing university coffers, USU can expect difficult challenges ahead. He said he is being reassured that the governor and legislative leadership are working to find ways to lessen the ongoing reduction for fiscal year 2010 to a number below the 15 percent base decrease that has been publicly discussed.
“We will be working hard to support these efforts,” he said. “Nevertheless, we cannot assume that we are through the worst of this difficulty until we see some evidence that the economy is making a positive turn.”
Albrecht said the university will continue to look for creative ways to help address future budget challenges, including early retirement options. He announced that later in the week the university will make available a voluntary separation incentive plan that outlines a series of options that administrators can discuss with interested employees.
The president’s complete message to university employees is available online.
Utah State University President Stan Albrecht talked with Lee Austin Feb. 3 on Access Utah about legislative budget cuts to higher education and about the mandatory furlough required of all USU employees. To listen to that interview go to: www.upr.org