
Will going to the Doctor always be such an adventure?!

It all started Friday night with Paige. She had a high fever and a runny nose. We chalked it up to teething. She did get a couple more molars. Well that fever persisted, the runny nose got worse and then the coughing started. So maybe its not all teething, maybe she is sick. Who knows, there is not much that can be done except wait it out, but then Jack gets a high fever. So now I am really starting to think that maybe they are sick. Our new insurance is in affect but we don't have cards. So I decide to take them to the doctor and I am assured that I can either pay out of pocket and get reimbursed next week or that they will let me bring the cards in next week when I get them and I can just pay our copay. Ok so I call a girl in the ward and get a recommendation on a pediatrician and she warned me that the office staff anywhere at the UNM hospital are hard to work with. I called the recommended doctor and I am immediately asked for my medical record #. What? I have no idea what a medical record # is. I tell this to the lady on the phone. Then she instantly does not know what to do. I say well I can pay out of pocket, thinking that maybe the medical record # has something to do with insurance. She says ok but there is a $50 deposit and the rest is sent in a bill, I say well I can pay all of it so there would be no need to send a bill. This confused her. I finally just said let me make an appointment! She transfered me. I then find myself talking to another lady and I fgure out that she is with some sort of centralized appointment making service. I tell her I need to make an appointment for my sick kids today. She starts to schedule me an appointment for next Friday! I tell no that won't work, either they won't be sick anymore, or they will have gotten so sick that we had to take them to the ER. I tell her again that I need it for TODAY! I was a little frustrated by this point. Then she starts with the medical record # again. I tell her I have know idea what that is. So she says that we need to get registered. Ok great register me. She gets me registered. She did not explain that there is an individual # for each member of my family. I thought it was having to do with insurance and that one number is good for the whole family and since Aaron is our policy holder, I gave her his information. Once we get the number she says ok so when do you want to schedule his appointment? I ask for Aaron? She says ya, I said well I called to schedule an appointment for MY SICK KIDS!!!!! Really get it through your thick head. She then asks me what their medical record #s are!!!! What!!!! I have no idea, I thought we just set that up. She says well that was for your husband. Ok I say no one told me that each person in my family needs a medical record #, nor did anyone tell me that I even needed a medical record #. Well I say lets set them up for my kids and for me. It was a long process but finally I got medical record #s for all of us. Hopefully I never lose them. That would be really confusing for the people who work in the office. I make an appointment, but wait only for Paige. There just was only one opening and so I guess Jack is not sick enough to see the doctor, and she tells me that maybe the doctor will look at my son too if I bring him. Seriously!!! Aaron is also working at getting appointments set up and he calls me and tells me to call Lobocare, because they will only make us pay the copay and they take same day appointments. So I call and get two appointments at the same time with the same doctor. Aaron calls to cancel the other one, and they had changed the appointment time and she was all sorts of confused. Anyway I leave at 1:30 to get to the 2:20 appointment. I am thinking that this should be plenty of time. Well I was 15 minutes late. I was told that it is on the thrid floor of the hospital. I park in the only parking structure. I think that the elevator in the parking structure is connected to the hospital so I hit the 3 on the button panel, the doors open up, I guess I parked on the third floor. This old guy in the elevator explained to me that you have to go to the first floor get out and go in the hospital and then go their elevator to the third floor. Ok. Keep in mind I that I did not bring a stroller and I am carrying Paige who's nose is runny and the diaper bag and holding Jack's hand. Jack was so sick and had a fever that he as almost a zombie but I couldn't carry him too, so he had to walk. We get in the elevator go to the third floor. I start walking and look at the signs and they all say Labor/Delivery and Neonatl Care. I am like what in the world! They told me the third floor. I stopped and ask some guys, after a little bit of confusion they tell that the Pediatric Clinic is on the third floor of the hospital, the main hospital. Ok I had no idea that it wasn't all connected. So we get back on the elevator go to the second floor walk across the breeze way connecting the two parts of the hospital get on another elevator and go to the third floor. I stop at the first reception desk check in the kids. A few minutes later I am called and then told that we are in the wrong spot. We need to go the next desk over. For crying out loud!!! Finally we get seen and the examination room is super hot, both kids are running a fever and won't let go of me. I thought that I was going to pass out. They were terrified by the sterile office and the lack of anything inviting. I guess they got so used to seeing the doctor at the Treehouse that they viewed going to the doctor as a fun thing. The Treehouse has lots of fun toys in the waiting room, a movie playing and soft cusy chairs, it smells nice, and it looks like a home, not an office. The examination rooms at Treehouse are no different, they have carpet on the floors, and more toys to play with. When you are done at the Treehouse you get to pick a lollipop! No wonder my kids were freaking out. The waiting room had hard plastic chairs, the toys sparse, basically non existant, there was a weird cartoon on the TV, not sure if I wanted my kids to even watch it, and the examination room was hard floors, no toys, tiny, and the counter top was falling apart. And everything was painted white, no homy feelings there! Since UNM is a teaching hospital we were seen by a resident, which I don't mind, but man was she slow. I guess its part of the learning curve, and it would't have been so bad if it wasn't in the middle of nap times, the kids weren't sick and I didn't think I was going to pass out. Anyway we left with one ear infection for Paige and nothing that we can do for Jack. I treked back to the car in the only parking structure, I asked, in case I have to go there again. I feel like my arms are going to fall off. Poor kids, they were pooped. Jack was asleep before we left the parking structure and Paige didn't last too much longer. I told Jack that we would go get ice cream with Dad because he was such a trooper. Hopefully his chocolate ice cream, with m&ms, chocolate chip dough, and fudge made it worth it for him! As for me I realized that I am not in Logan anymore and the Treehouse Pediatrics is a thing of the past!


USU Family Pics

Before we left town we had family pictures taken on Utah State University's campus. It was so cold and rainy but the kids did great. We (I) wanted these pictures done so that we could have something to remember Logan by. Since USU is what brought me and then Aaron to Logan, it only seemed fitting to take pictures there.

Our little unibomber!

She was so cold that she didn't have many smiles left

They were so cold, but were so good! And Jack helped in the smile department.

Go Aggies!

Are you a True Aggie?

Look you can see the Logan Temple in the back ground. Even though it was cold and rainy the clouds were high enough to be able to see the beautiful Wellsvilles and the Temple.

Old Main

Our pictures were taken by Paige Davis. You can see her work at http://www.paigedavisphotography.blogspot.com/
Thanks Paige, they turned out just perfect!


Here's to our first week in Albuquerque!

We have now been in ABQ now a whole week, Aaron has worked a full week at his new job too. He seems to like his job, however nothing can compare to the PAD team that he left behind. There is awesome potential at UNM, especially working in the HR department. So we have been looking for a place to live and a job for me. So far we have just felt over whelmed. See all of those dots in the screen shot above? Well those are houses for sale, and that is just in the NW quadrant of the city. There are sooooooo many. We hope to be able to buy a home once our house in North Logan is sold (know anyone who wants to buy it?). So now we have to decide if we want to rent and get locked into a year lease or wait it out and see if the house sales soon! We are living with my parents for now. Let me say I hate looking for a place to rent, now looking for a place to buy is much more enjoyable. With sooooooo many houses for sale you really can find pretty much exactly what you want and for a price you want too! A lot of these homes are short sales, so that helps with the price.

Anyway we had gorgeous weather today and tomorrow starts another week, I think that I have a few good job leads so hopefully something will pan out next week! Everything has worked out so well so far, I don't see why it won't stop. We got our trailer yesterday that had all of our stuff and we brought the kids' toys to my parents house, its like they are new toys again.


We made it!!!!

We made it to Albuquerque! We left Friday night after packing the rest of our stuff and cleaning. Before we left town we had to make a quick stop and see my friend Julie's little baby girl, Kate. She is so perfect and so cute. Then we headed south where we stopped at another friend's house to see her new twin boys! They were also perfect and just as cute. I was impressed how well Amber and Ryan looked for being first time parents and with twins! They make it look easy, which I am sure it is not.

We then left and headed for our final destination of the night, Green River, UT. When we left Amber's I think it was like 9:30 or so. We were dead tried. We pulled into our hotel at 2am. Unfortunately Paige woke up enough to know we were in a new place and she didn't go back to sleep until 4am. The only one who got a good night sleep was Jack, who slept through all of Paige's screaming and woke us all up at 8am. We reluctantly got up and got back in the car and made our way to ABQ. We arrived at my parent's house around 5pm. In time for a nice Easter dinner. We had Easter dinner on Saturday instead of Sunday, because my cousin and his wife were visiting but leaving early the next morning. It was an awesome dinner. My cousin and his wife are thinking of moving here once he graduates from dental school next year. I hope they do.

So now we are some what settled in. The trailer with the majority of our belongings comes this weekend, and we are looking for a place to live. So far everything that we have liked is already rented. Hopefully something opens up and we can be the ones to snatch it!

It sure is nice to finally have nice warm weather, and we would really love for all of our friends to come and visit us.


Getting Closer

We are getting closer to having everything all packed up. The ABF trailer came this afternoon and tonight we start loading while using the least amount of space as possible (we are getting charged by the foot). Both of the kids beds have been taken apart. Jack's mattress is on the floor and Paige is sleeping in the pack n' play. The kids really seem to like having a mattress on the floor. They like jumping on it, jumping off of it and Paige likes the fact that she can get on and off by herself. Tonight we are taking apart our bed and we will be sleeping on the mattress on the floor. Not much is left in our little apartment because as boxes get packed we are moving them out to our storage unit. By Friday morning everything will be all packed into the trailer and we will start making our way to Albuquerque Friday night.

As we get closer to Friday I get more and more nostalgic. As much as I hated, detested and despised Logan, I am coming to realize that I am going to miss it. Here are the reasons why:
  1. Friends-- including roommates, neighbors, and those I have come to know and love
  2. Utah State University-- Well I did graduate from USU and just walking around campus brings back so many wonderful memories.
  3. Autumns in Cache Valley
  4. The familiarity of living in a place for 8.5 years
  5. Friends
So we are officially without internet and since our home phone is connected to the internet we are without that as well. So if you need to get a hold of us please call our cell phones.


I just couldn't resist

Paige finally has enough hair to put up in a pony tail and today I tried pig tails! So cute! So I couldn't resist taking her picture before she pulled them out.


Some April Fools Joke!

This is what we woke up to this morning! I think it is Mother Nature's way of saying April Fools, Spring really isn't coming!

This is how Jack and Paige would like to spend the snowy day, watching TV.

Hopefully Spring comes soon! Waking up to a frozen snow covered car makes it a little easier to leave Logan.