
Snow in July?!

Its been pretty hot here in Albuquerque. I think that the kids are starting to feel the heat as well.

(wow just under a 100 degrees! This picture was taken around 4pm Sunday afternoon!)

I was up stairs doing something when I hear my mom start laughing. I run down and see that Jack has found some styrofoam and decided to make his own snow with it. He broke it up into small pieces.

Then proceeded to lay down and make a "snow angel". It was pretty funny, a big mess to clean up but funny none the less. Paige joined in on the fun too, so I let them finish playing before we cleaned it up.

When I came back in to start cleaning up I saw that Jack using some of the big pieces as snow flakes by throwing them up in the air and letting them fall to the ground and had put snow in Paige's hair. Oh boy they crack me up.

Here is just a cheesy picture of Paige wearing a headband. She is all about the accessories!


Hit and Burned!

This is what Jack learned today in Nursery:

Me: Jack how was nursery?
Jack: You hit baptized.
Me: What?! We don't hit. Did you hit someone today in Nursery?
Jack: No! Hitting baptized. (then he shows me his picture, which is above and sorry couldn't figure out how to turn it.)
Me: Oh! I see, ya it kinda looks like he is going to hit the kid being baptized. But he is not.
Jack: And then you get burned.
Me: What?! Oh you mean confirmed?
Jack: ya conburned.

He is sort of right about the burning part. Being confirmed gives the gift of the Holy Ghost which is like a fire is burning, right?! My dad was standing next to us while we had this conversation and we were laughing because only a kid could come up with this stuff.


He's Three!!!

Jack turned 3 on Saturday July 11th! I still can't believe that he is no longer two. It felt like he was two for so long and everyone kept aging and he stayed two! He turned three and I am kind of sad that he is growing up. Jack is such an amazing little boy. He easily makes friends and is the kindest kid I have ever met. He really truly has a deep love for all of God's creations. I love the conversations that he and I can have, sometimes I forget how intuitive he is until he shares some of his thoughts with me. Jack constantly reminds me of how simple life can be. We are all so happy that we have been blessed with Jack in our lives. Happy Birthday Jack-Jack!

While we were in Logan we had a little party for him. Pirate themed of course! Everyone seemed to have fun, but most importantly Jack had a blast. So I would say it was a success! When we left the park he said with a sigh that is a fun pirate park.

I think that if we were not traveling I would have made a cooler cake but considering its just simple cupcakes, I think the presentation turned out well.

Paige was a Pirate Princess for the party.

Jack had requested balloons but I thought flag would have better effect than balloons, so this is what he got!

He is THREE!

Paige ate watermelon pretty much the whole time. I think she ate about 6 or 7 slices.

The kids all made pirate hats (Jack had requested party hats, so this worked) and telescopes so that they could properly hunt for treasure aka pinata!

Cupcake mustache on a cute little face.

After the party. I realized that I never got any shots of the two of them so before we cleaned them up and put them down for naps I had to get the brother and sister together. They are good friends who love each other very much.


The Rockets Red Glare

I had my first (paying) photography job the morning of the 4th. I had Aaron come with me since the group that I photographed was 25 in size and at Bear Lake. So the kids spent the night at my grandma's house with my mom and dad so that Aaron and I could get up at the cracked of dawn to drive from Salt Lake to Garden City and get there by 9:30am. I had so much fun taking the family reunion pictures and now that I am back with my computer I have been able to look at them and there are some really good ones in my opinion. (go to http://studio21photos.com to check them out)

After the photo shoot Aaron and I drove back to Salt Lake to have some firework fun at my Grandma's house.

My mom got some snakes and glow worms, I guess she thought they would be cool or something but they turned out to look like cat poop on fire.

Paige enjoyed the street fireworks in her stroller while eating for most of it.

It took awhile to get the sparklers lighted.

Jack wanted to hold the sparkler and then he kind of got burned and didn't want to touch them after that. I guess he learned to stay away!

Ok so I wasn't going to post the last few pictures above, but decided to so that when I get the book printed these memories will be there too. So we thought it would funny if the sparklers were like boobie tassels. I was trying to do a little dance with some hip action but was laughing too hard.

All American Boys!!!

Still eating

We had a great 4th. The next day we drove up to Logan, where we were able to stay at our friends house for the week. It was so nice to stay in a kid friendly environment rather than at Aaron's apartment where he has been living. (Thank you so much Amy!) It was fun to go to our old ward in North Logan and see lots of familiar faces and also a lot of new faces. In fact in Relief Society they asked if there were any visiters and no one raised their hands and I was thinking for reals? Get out all you people are new! So it will be fun to get to know some new people when we move back. Monday night we were invited to a block party in our neighborhood, not the block where our house is though. There were more street fireworks and ice cream and lots of kids running around and having a great time. Jack had so much fun. I had forgotten how many little kids there were about his age. He really enjoyed playing outside with them and getting reaquinted. We are definately excited to move back after our week in Logan.

Are you a REAL fan?

Thursday we (the kids, my mom and dad, and I) started our way towards Utah. We stayed in Moab Thursday night and then traveled the last few hours to Provo Friday. When we got into town we went and saw my sister's cute little apartment and we saw AARON!!!! It was so great to see him and be with him after three and half very long weeks. As part of our Independence Day Celebrations we went to a Real Salt Lake soccer game. I really thought that Paige, who is my people watcher would just watch the crowd and be content, but I was wrong. She wanted to run around. Jack seemed to enjoy the whole experience but since Paige was being a stinker we left the game before the end. Which is too bad because they did fireworks at the end. Oh well maybe next time we will make it the whole way through.

Before the game there were some fun things to do. At the stadium is the Coronal's Corner and so KFC was handing out chicken buckets and they told us that if you wore them on your head you got a chance to win a prize. Now we don't know if you really could win a prize or if it was some social experiement to see if people would actually put a KFC chicken bucket on their heads. Well we didn't care and we wore them!

Even kissed in them!

And danced in them!

Jack and Stephen heading off to try out the bounce houses. However they came back without being in a bounce house. I guess there were too many older kids.