

We decided to not send Jack to kindergarten this year.  I am so glad that we didn't!!!!  I have loved having him home for another year.  After all he is still a kid and will be in school for a long time so why rush into it?  I do believe that come next fall he is going to be soooo ready and will enjoy kindergarten so much! 

I didn't want Jack to have nothing extra to look forward to, so we enrolled him in a little theater class and in a ceramics class.  I do believe that we may have found Jack's thing!  He LOVED both classes.  However theater class was more favorite, both are favorites but theater is just more favorite.  Ha!  

Both have ended.  I think that we will be enrolling him in again after the new year.  Here are some pictures of his ceramic masterpieces.  These are just from the first 5 weeks.  We still need to pick up his projects from the second 5 weeks.  Jack's ceramics teacher, Beth, always had nice things to say about Jack when I would pick him up.  Beth told me that he has such a great imagination and is so creative.  She just loved all of his work.  What a great teacher he had!  Beth was really great with the kids and really let them just create what they wanted while teaching them some techniques.

 My cute Jack with his ceramic pieces.



I don't think Jack actually made this mug.  I think the mug was made for him and he was able to use stamps in the clay.  Or if he made it, he had some help.