
We're Off To See The Wizard!!!!

This year the kids were characters from the Wizard of Oz!  Jack was the Scarecrow, Paige was Dorothy and Ginger was the Lion.

Here's our little cowardly lion.  She was so cute and this costume that my mom found kept her nice and toasty.  

The whole reason we went with the Wizard of Oz theme was because we already this scarecrow costume.  I am pretty sure that my mom made this for me to wear one when I was in 1st or 2nd grade.

 My mom made Paige's Dorothy dress and she looked so cute. 

Making leaf angels!


The kids sure made out well this year trick or treating.  Geez that is a lot of candy!!!!  It was such a nice night this year.  The kids didn't have to wear snow coats over their costumes.  

My Table

For my birthday I wanted the kitchen table to be re-done.  So I got the fabric to cover the chairs that I liked the best.  It took me a while to decide too.  I finally found it from an etsy store (The Lacey Placey) and I ended buying all that she had left. 

Once I had the fabric I went back and forth trying to decide if I wanted to paint it or stain it.  Then there was the decision of what color of paint or what color of stain.  

I decided to just get it sanded and think about colors while I was sanding.  Well it got pretty hot pretty fast and being pregnant I didn't get the sanding done before Ginger arrived.  Aaron and I pushed to get the table and chairs done before we had family come out for Ginger's blessing.  We tried staining it a really pretty black/brown.  I really really liked it.  However I don't have patience or something when it comes to stain and I couldn't get it even across the top.  It looked weird.  So we decided to paint it.  Then we decided to paint the chairs different than the table.  

I L.O.V.E. how it turned out.  It makes the kitchen area happy and in turn makes me happy.

I have to add that Aaron is A-Mazing!!!!  He painted all of the chairs and the table and he re-covered all of the chairs.  He even put plastic over the fabric so that it would stay nicer longer.  He is awesome and I am one very lucky girl!