
One Happy Mom!

It has been a year in the making but my little boy has finally done it. He has mastered the potty! I am so proud of him. I could possibly be the happiest mom on the planet. NO MORE DIAPERS!!!! YIPPEE!!! I think it came down to him finally being ready and the right motivation. My friend suggested that we let Jack call a 'hero' if he uses the potty. Well since the last time we tried the potty training, poop was the biggest issue, we told him he could call OptimasPrime, Bumblebee, Woody, or Buzz Lightyear if he got his poop in the toilet. It worked so well. Then it got the point that he could call his 'hero' when he went a day with no accidents. That worked like a charm too. Now he is fully potty trained and doing amazingly well. Jack still has an aversion to using public restrooms. In fact the other day we were running errands around town and he asked if we could go home for a little bit so he could go potty. lol. I don't blame him on that one!

I am so PROUD of you Jack! Keep up the good work! Love you tons!

Gallery Walk

I am going to have some of my images showcased at the Gallery Walk in Logan. Its Friday night from 6-9. Please come. It should be a lot of fun. Here are some of the images that I will have there.

There are going to be about a dozen other photographers showcasing their work at The Studio. Click here to get more information about the Gallery Walk and the other locations that will be showcaseing other artists.

Baby Animals Days - Picture Overload

We had tons of fun at Baby Animal Days. We actually went two days. The first day just wasn't all that fun except we were with our friends from Spanish Fork. It was really windy and crowded and it was Paige's nap time. Since we have a membership we came back on Saturday morning a little early. Membership holders get in a half hour early. So we had no crowds, no wind and no tired kids. (well not yet anyway!)

It was a little funny when this pig started rooting at Paige. She didn't know what to do!

Jack was having a good conversation with this calf. At one point the calf mooed right in Jack's face it was funny. Jack just giggled.

This year Bear World from Yellowstone came with some cubs. When we were there in the morning the bears were active and there was no one there. This bear licked her mouth/face. Kinda gross and yet kinda cute.

They were giving out bear masks for the kids. I think that about a quarter of my pictures where of Jack and his mask. He kept asking us to take his picture with the mask to his face.

"Yee-Ha" That is what she is saying in this picture. As membership holders the kids get to ride the ponies as much as they want or as much as we want them too. We just took one ride today since the line got long as the day wore on.

I really wasn't sure how Paige would do, but she was a natural. She was not scared or anything.
All of the pictures I had of Jack on the ponies didn't turn out. But I think that we can get more this summer.

No lines to hold the bunnies. It was so nice. We got to just walk right up.

Paige really loved to hold the bunny. She kept giving it hugs and didn't want to let it go.

Yep no lines at the ducklings either! While we were at the ducklings area they actually came and switched them out for goslings. So they got to hold both baby ducks and geese.

The kids always like to look at the pretty horses.

"All Aboard!"

The train is new this year. Jack loved it. Again no long lines!


Ya the bear mask again!

At the bouncy houses. Paige wanted to go on the purple one. (not a big surprise) Jack went on the one that had the biggest slide, again not a big surprise.

Aaron waiting for the wagon ride. It was so pretty because the wagon ride took us around the edge of the American West Heritage Center property over looking the Wellsvilles. So pretty!

We saw the Easter Bunny too! Jack didn't know who the Easter Bunny was. On Easter he asked who the Easter Bunny was. Well he got his chance to meet him. Paige woudn't go near him.

Then we had a yummy lunch. Funny story. Jack has been in the process of being potty trained. He has done really well, this time around. Well when we stopped for lunch he said he had to go pee. So Aaron took him but they came back with a full bladder. Jack refused to use the public restroom. He told me "its ok mom I will hold it until we get home." Wishful thinking on his part. He started dancing around and said "Dad its coming I can't hold it, the pee is coming." Yep he wet his pants. Poor guy. He was so sad. Anyway we took a break to change his pants and underwear.

After lunch the kids were pooped. In fact I think Paige would have fallen asleep in the stroller if we would have stayed a little longer.

Tired Girl.

The great thing is we get to take the kids whenever we want this summer to ride the train, the ponies and see animals. It will be a welcomed break in our summer schedule.


Baby Animal Days

We had a great time at Baby Animal Days this year. Now I just need to go through the 500 pictures that I took! I will post more later. But I couldn't wait to share this pic of Paige's pink boots. She got comments on these all day long!


Card board Fun

Aaron is so good about playing with the kids. He is notorious for making up games to play with them, and using stuff around the house to incorporate into those games. Take this little movie for instance. Aaron made the kids a slide! What a fun and great dad they have.