
I couldn't be more excited

For my backyard and front steps to look like this....

The view from the front door looking out towards the street.

Not very inviting.  Normally its not a problem, I don't usually have lots of people over but it seems like I did today and more are scheduled to come tomorrow!

The view out of the back sliding glass door.

Why you ask am I so excited for this mess?!  Because it is the first step in getting our backyard finished.  We are having a bigger concrete pad in the back poured and thought that while we are at it we should fix the front steps too.  Oh I can't wait for it all to be done.  I am just so excited, I am giddy.  All of the noise we heard today was totally worth it, hopefully my neighbors didn't mind so much either. 

And so it begins...

This past Saturday was Jack's first soccer game.  And of course it was raining!  Not just sprinkle rain but actual rain.  I have lots of memories attending my brother's soccer games, going to my own in the rain/wind/cold, and so it begins again!

He did such a good job!  What a fun age group to watch.  Jack really didn't know what to do when it came to goal kicks, throw ins, and corner kicks.  He often got distracted and forgot to chase after the ball but he sure had fun.  He was super cute when his team scored a goal.  Jack got so excited you would think that he was the one to score!  He was just happy for his team. 

Since it was raining and cold, oh so cold, I didn't take any pictures during the game.  I did snap a couple when we got out of the car and before the game started. 

My little handsome guy.  Don't mind the Run Like A Girl water bottle.  It was all we could find as we rushed out the door.  

By the end of the first quarter we moved his jacket to go underneath his jersey.  He made him look a little puffy but at least it helped him stay warm and he could pull the hood up that way his little ears wouldn't get so cold.