
Want to win a scrapbook box?

Ok so I have wanted one of these for a long long time. I really hope that I win. But everyone can have a chance to win as well! You can enter to win at this awesome blog: http://makeitandloveit.blogspot.com/.

Also they have other products that are also just as cool like the ribbon box! Right now if you enter the code 100writes you will get $100 off of shipping! Awesome deal.



The kids had their check-ups last week. It is a little late for Paige and about four months late for Jack, but it is the best we could do with our moving and such. Here are the stats:

Jack age 3 weighed 31.4 lbs (45%) and is 35.75 in tall (10%)

Paige age 18 months weighed 23.2 lbs (20%) and is 31 in. tall (45%)

It was surprising to me to find out that Paige is not as short and chunky as I thought she was. It must be her tiny feet and teeny tiny toes that makes me feel she is a short little thing. They are both healthy and developing how they should. This visit to the doctor was a million trillion times better than the experiences we had in Albuquerque. It is so relaxed and there are lots of fun toys to play with in the waiting room and the exam room. It also helps that my kids love Dr. McKenna.


It Smells Like A Skunk!!!

Last Saturday I went out for a long run, while Aaron and the kids tagged along. Aaron rode his bike and we put the kids in a borrowed bike trailer. It was so nice not pushing them! After the run we decided to go and get lunch to go and bring it home to eat. So while Aaron went inside to get our lunch the kids and I stayed in the car. Not too long after Aaron left, Jack says this:

(Sniffs a few times) "Mom I think there is a skunk in here." (Sniffs some more) "yep it smells like a skunk."

Me: "I think that it is me, I am kind of stinky after running."

Jack: "Nope it is a skunk."

Well I guess I smelled pretty bad, so I opened some doors and windows.


41 more days

I have 41 more days until I run my first full marathon. I am getting excited, but also a little worried that I may not make it and Aaron will get a call from some hospital in San Francisco telling him his wife is there because she past out on the streets in San Fran. But that feeling has changed after my run tonight. Most of my runs are pushing a 25 pound 18 month old, a 30 pound 3 year and the weight of the stroller that the two ride in. From where we live it seems any direction I go is up hill, and believe me, when I say that I get enough of a work out just pushing the free loaders (I mean that in the most kindest way :) so I really have no desire to go up any hills while pushing them, especially for the first half of my run. Tonight was different. Aaron needed to go back up to work and so the kids and I rode along and then ran home. I knew that it would only take me 30 minutes or so to get home from campus, so I ran around up there for awhile so that I could get in the 80 minutes that I needed to run today. Let me just say that it was sooooo much nicer not starting out my run by going uphill for 30-40 minutes. I planned it so we would be back before it got too dark, however the kids where being feisty and Jack kept saying he had to go potty when in reality he didn't, he more or less wanted to check out new bathrooms along our way. So with more stops than I had anticipated we got back after dark, regardless I thought it was a great run and I now have more confidence that I can finish this marathon. It helps that I won't be pushing anyone else along but myself and that I will be at sea level inside of up in the high elevation of the Utah mountains. And so the countdown begins!


The day has finally come!

Jack started pre-school this past Tuesday September 1st. We had a rough week this last week and pre-school was supposed to be a good thing, however I think Jack felt a little over whelmed or something because he was quite a terror last week (I witnessed some of the worst tantrums I have ever see or ever care to see again!). Either way he started pre-school which means that Jack is growing up, which is both bitter and sweet. (Hopefully this week will prove to be much better, we took some serious actions over the weekend to prevent a repeat of last week)

He was very excited to start school and in fact he requested blueberry pancakes for breakfast his first day and with no prompting what so ever from us. However I think a curious little monkey helped give him the idea! So I made him blueberry pancakes to send him off right.

Never having made blueberry pancakes before I think that they turned out pretty good. Both Jack and Paige seemed to love them, so I think that we have a new family tradition: Blueberry Pancakes on the first day of school.

We were ready to go about 45 min before we had to leave. We were excited.

Paige really thought that she was going to go too. She had to get my purse for the pictures because Jack had his backpack. She kept saying pre-school. Poor girl.

When we went to the pre-school open house his teacher, Mrs. Darley, had a place with their names to hang their backpacks. I never thought to get him a backpack its a good thing that his Diego dress-up costume has a backpack or should I say rescue pack! (thanks mom for making it and now for more reasons that just for play)

Here is the now pre-schooler walking to the door.

Jack's pre-school is in the home of a former neighbor. She used to live on our street but moved a few years ago but only a mile or so away. She used to teach 2nd grade in Providence but has decided to open a little pre-school in her home. We are happy that she made that choice! :) The kids are supposed to just walk into her house, take off their shoes and go to the classroom. I think it is a little crazier with her three year old class, but they will get the hang of it. Heres to a better week and much better first year of pre-school!


One Thursday evening we were invited to a rocket launch. A friend from Aaron's work serves as the cub scout leader (not sure exactly what cub/ boy scouts titles are) for his ward, as part of the pack meeting (I think that is what they are called! I should now the names of this stu they had a rocket launch. Jay invited Jack to partake and even had a rocket for him to launch. Oh my goodness Jack just thought this was the best thing in the whole world. Even now a few weeks later when we are thinking of something to do he suggests that we launch rockets!!! :)
Jack inspecting the rocket.

Yep, I got a rocket.

Getting ready to launch.

Paige was seriously bored. Rockets must be a boy thing!

Chasing the rocket after the first launch.

Counting down....5, fff

Jack didn't get the whole count down thing and pushed the button like at five or four. Oops!

The trail in the sky from the rocket. It was such a beautiful evening and Jack throughly enjoyed himself. Thanks Jay for thinking of him.