
Movie Star

This is how Paige joined us for dinner the other night:

Movie star!

She kept them on throughout the whole dinner.



Sometimes it felt like the whole process of starting a business was taking forever...... but yesterday it felt like it had gone by so fast. I launched my Wordy Bird website yesterday. So far I would have to say its been a success. I get so giddy and excited when I get an email telling me an order has gone through! LOVE it. I am really enjoying this whole thing.

Here is a link to my new website (link) which would not have happened without the super computer powers of my A-W-E-S-O-M-E husband. Let me tell you... he found a shopping cart that is so easy to use and the best part is that I can navigate around it without much problem at all. I am simply delighted!

I am a sponsor this month over on Make it and Love it's blog (button to you right), so head over there to enter to win a $25 gift certificate plus get a coupon code.


Eat up!

We got a cat. Still not exactly sure how I feel about it. The kids love him and he seems to be a good sport with the kids. Today Paige was feeding him and he just sat there and let her do her thing. His name is Jasper (yes we are Twilight fans).

Caught Up

Ok so after this post I am offically all caught up on my blog posting! whew!

This past weekend Aaron's sister and her family came for a visit. We went sledding, drove to Bear Lake and just enjoyed hanging out. It was super cold the day we went sledding. I didn't even bring out my camera. Way too cold to expose my little fingers to the frigid elements! Since neither Jessica or Charlie had been to our neck of the woods we drove out to Bear Lake. The drive was gorgeous because it was so clear. We saw great blue skies and white crisp snow. Absolutely beautiful. We got lunch in Garden City and then turned to head back to Logan. I pulled into a little side street to turn around and we saw this awesome frosted tree. See it was hard to see the Lake because it was covered in fog. In freezing weather and fog tend to leave trees with an awesome frosted look. Before I could put the car in reverse, I was being told to hop out and take a picture of this tree. I think that it turned out pretty cool.

Its a bummer that the only pictures I got while Jessica, Charlie and Leland were here was one of a tree. Hopefully I will be better next time.

Movie Night

One Saturday night Aaron and I decided to spice things up. So we built a fort out of sheets and blankets in the kids bedroom and then we watched a movie.

The idea was to have a sort of camp out with Dad. So after the movie I left and they all went to sleep. Well except they kicked Aaron out. He came into our room about 20 minutes later and I asked what was wrong and he said they kicked him out!

Our movie snacks and it counted as our dinner that night!

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs on Aaron's laptop.

We had such a good time and a cheap date with the kids!

It's alright little buddy!

Awhile and I mean a long while, ago Jack's stuffed dog needed some mending. So I put the toy in a stack by my sewing machine and forgot about it. Well recently Jack found it and wanted me to fix him right then. Jack got this toy for his first birthday and it came with the name "Puppers" but since falling in love with my neighbors dogs Jack has re-named him to Copper. So I fixed Copper right up and Jack took him to bed that night.

While I was sewing, Jack kept saying 'its alright little buddy,' and 'mom is going to fix you up good as new.' It was so cute.