
Buzz Crash Landed

One tired boy!

Muffins, Mom and Me

Today I had the pleasure to go to Jack's preschool for a little mom and me muffin brunch. They were so cute. Here are a few pictures and videos from the little program.

While we were waiting for one more mom to show up the kids showed us their bean bag dance. Teacher Natalie did say that they were being a little shy. Here is a clip from the end of the song when Jack started to get into it a little.

In preparation for today the class has been reading the book if you give a moose a muffin (one or family's favorites) and so Teacher Natalie asked each of the kids what their mom would say if you gave her a muffin. Here is what Jack said:

Next we were treated with a little song. Sorry its so shaky. Paige kept touching me and every time she did the camera went crazy.

Waiting in their cute little chef hats.

The bean bag dance.

After their program we went into the kitchen and had some muffins.

Paige got some too even though she was being a little stinker.

Pledge of Allegiance

Lately Jack has been saying the pledge of allegiance. I am pretty impressed so I caught it on camera. As I was getting the video ready to post Jack informed me that he does know all of the words now, and even told the Jack in the video "yes you do" when he said I don't know the rest of the words.